Tuesday, August 24, 2010

♥ 39 weeks ♥

Updated doctors appointment. The doctor was not to happy with what I've been told by the np. The np has told me for the past 2 weeks, I'm dilated at 2 cm, blah blah blah..... saying how she can't believe I haven't gone yet, etc. Well my doctor today, says I'm dilated at 1 cm, 50 percent effaced, and the head is positioned at -1. The baby is due next Thursday, Sept 2, but I go and see Dr. Sam on Wednesday if there is no baby yet. She said if still no baby by then, she'll want to induce me. She said that won't probably happen until first thing Thursday morning but that will be the next step. She doesn't want me miserable on a holiday weekend and she doesn't like seeing babies go over their due date esp when there is no more room. The dr did try to strip the membranes but it hurt very badly so she stopped. I figured when the baby is ready, it'll be ready... no need to be in pain that bad if the baby isn't ready. Other than that, there was nothing new. I am just very tired, hot, huge, and sassy. I think I'm going to make Friday my last day of work, so I can try and get some rest before next week. Anyways, until then.... have a great week and weekend!! ♥

Monday, August 16, 2010

♥ 37 weeks 4 days ♥

37 Week Survey

How Far Along: 37 weeks 4 days

Size of baby: According to the internet about 6 pounds and 19 inches long.... the dr says about 6 lbs 6 oz (just a guess) and 18 inches long....

Total Weight Gain/Loss: Exactly 30 lbs as of today

Maternity Clothes: Haha, that is my new style... none, NONE, of my old clothes fit me

Gender: Take your guess.... ?

Movement: Well lets see, through-out the day off and on, lunch time there is a lot of movement. About midnight each night until 2-3am a lot of movement with consistent but not enough contractions, then again from 5-7am almost like clock work.

Sleep: I'm running on about 6-8 hours each night, IF I get to bed by 9.

What I miss: Being able to see my feet, bending over, and not so much back pain

Cravings: No real cravings... just eating a lot of potato skins from pizza king with motz cheese and pepperoni.. and bread sticks with nacho cheese

Best Moment this week: Nick being home for my birthday and the baby waiting this long to arrive so daddy will be at the birth :)

What I am looking forward to: My next appointment just to see what is new, if anything. The heart beat today was 137 which is a lot lower than normal but np said it was normal towards the end to go down....

Now to the goooood stuff :)
And the cramping is getting worse... ♥ BUT so worth it in the end :-)

Once again, my doctor is out of office. First a vacation, second a family issue, third a vacation/family surgery... so for the past 3 visits I've seen the nurse practitioner. I have nothing against the np but I just want to see my doctor!!!!!!!! Anyways, nothing new to report. She said my process is not going very fast and she feels super sorry for me so she thought she'd try and see if she couldn't help the process out. So while checking dilation and everything, she pushed and poked and pushed and poked (honestly, it hurt very very bad). She's hoping by next week (which if all goes well, I'll be seeing my doctor) I'll have made some progress. I sure hope she is right. The heat is not bothering me at all. The swelling is the most bothersome, and I think it is because I'm losing the feeling in my feet more often than actually having it and it concerns me. But the dr and np aren't go concerned about the swelling since it has been super hot. I go next Tuesday to the dr, so I just hope and pray I either go sometime this week/weekend or she pokes extra hard next Tuesday :)

Nick went and saw the surgeon today. Of course I had to go with him. 1 I wanted to make sure of everything the dr says, and 2 to meet this man, everyone says great things about him and I have patients ask me about the dr and I can't ever tell them much because I didn't know him. Dr. Duluga, amazing man! This guy knows his stuff. Super sweet dr and def has mine and Nick's business. Basically a little about Nick's shoulder... Nick injured his shoulder when he was in high school and had it fixed. Well then when he was in Iraq he got hurt again on the same shoulder and since then it has been causing a lot of problems. He's... had several injections and the dr said he wouldn't give him anymore injections until seeing a surgeon. Well the surgeon wanted a mri, so he got that, and it came back basically saying the screws that he has in his shoulders have scar tissue building up around them causing a lot of pressure and bone spur. So the surgeon recommends surgery to scrape the tissue away and reshape the bones, or something pretty darn close to that. So now we are going to play it by ear with his job and the military to see when a good time is for him to get that. Dr says he shouldn't wait a year but doesn't have to be done now, so hopefully within the next 3-6 months we can get it taken care of :)

Wednesday, August 4, 2010

36 weeks ♥

What a week! On Monday, August 2 that night I didn't get any sleep what so ever, from cramps to contractions, a headache, blurry vision, swollen hands and feet, oh gosh I just couldn't sleep. Tuesday I was feeling worse. I still went to work and all my mothers at work pressured me into calling the doctor. The doctor wanted to check me out just to make sure. So I went in and saw the doctor, I was telling her all my signs and symptoms etc, and she confirmed I had lost my mucus plug, I was dilated at 2 and thinned 1.5. Pabbams heart rate was 156. She sent me home to rest since I wasn't feeling well at all. So today, Wednesday, I went for my actual appointment and was surprised. I hadn't dilated anymore and thinned, but she told me there were 6 stages in pregnancy to when the head drops. Starting at -3 and works its way to 3. Well yesterday I was at -3 and today I was at -1. So the babys head has dropped 2 in 24 hours. She went ahead and did the group b testing. The heart rate today was 152. The baby has been very active since the appointment. Today at work the girls gave me a mini baby shower, it was supposed to be Friday but they weren't sure if I'd be there, so they gave me the gifts today. I got a ottoman and glider rocker :) I was so excited and surprised. I am very thankful for the girls I work with, they are the best :) Tonight Kelly and Ben (I work with Kelly and her and her husband live down the street), came over to put the gift together :) I'm feeling much better today but still very tired. Until next week, Friday probably since that is my next appointment, everyone have a great weekend and week :) Love you all!!! ♥