Friday, May 28, 2010

14 more weeks to go!

♥ 26 weeks yesterday! Wow, time sure is flying by :) The baby is much more active and keeping me on my toes. Daddy's new job is going great. Nick loves that he is working in a better environment :) He comes home and is happy and I'm thankful for that. I got tired of the grumpy man! Right now he is working 5 days with 10 hours each day and Saturday's half day. The past 3 days he work 12 hours each day, so he's been exhausted. My job is going well, like always, or atleast most always. I think tonight is the first Friday in a long time I've actually cooked. Normally we eat out, but tonight pork chops sounded good :) I'm listening to Nicky snore, ya it is only 6 pm and he's out! But as far as baby Podell, he/she is doing well and like I said very active. Nothing new to report. So until next week, have a great Memorial Day weekend and upcoming week :)

Thursday, May 20, 2010

25 weeks ♥

Little Pabbam :-) He/she now weights 1 pound 12 ounces, so in 28 days the baby gained 1 pound, and doctor said, "That's super great!" Everything is going very well with the baby, all organs have developed, etc. Now that the babies room is done, Nick and I sit at night wondering what we are going to do next. We are going to work on a little project together. Once we are finished we will share :-) Work is going great for myself. And Nick has enjoyed his 2 weeks off. He has drill this weekend so he's a little upset he can't enjoy his last 3 days off. Today is my Grandma Ward's birthday, Happy Birthday Grandma! She lives in Alabama, so unfortunately we won't be able to share her wonderful day with her. Also today, Pabbam's Grandpa Podell is having surgery. So we are keeping him in our prayers for a quick recovery. Well not much more to report. Oh, my mom did tell me to try something, old wise tale, if you tie your wedding ring to a string and hand it over your belly, after it is done spinning around, see which direction your ring is moving, side to side or in circles. Mine goes side to side every time, and they say it means you are having a girl. Also they say if you eat a lot of cheese it is a girl.... well I've ate a lot, and I mean a lot of cheese. So we will see :) Just thought I'd share. Love you all!

Saturday, May 15, 2010

24 weeks 2 days

How Far Along: 24 weeks 2 days

Total Weight Gain: Almost 7 pounds

Maternity Clothes: A few more :) They are so much more comfortable than I thought

Stretch Marks: Not yet!

Best Moment this Week: Nick being able to feel Pabbam kick and move. And my parents being able to feel him/her also.

Movement: So much. I love the feeling, as long as it isn't my bladder, and 90% of the time it is, but it is part of it, right :) A lot of movement at night, I know he/she knows I'm getting comfortable and he/she is a stinker like daddy, likes to bug me before bed.

Food Cravings: Cheese :) I've always liked cheese but not to just dip anything in it, or to eat it by itself and this past week I've noticed everything must have cheese on it or in it. Yum yum!

Labor Signs: None.

Belly Button Innie or Outtie: Smooth now, by next week or the following I believe my belly button will be completely out.

What are You Looking Forward to this Week: We have a doctors appointment on Tuesday (5-18-10) and we have another ultrasound :)

This past week has been so wonderful. So many things have happened. Our baby furniture is completely put together. Wonderful feeling! Daddy (Nick) got a new job! Woohoo! All the baby clothes and blankets etc are washed, dried and put away. And we got a mattress for the crib so just waiting on the bedding for it now. Today, Saturday, Nick and I went fishing. We were having a contest on who could catch the biggest fish, well I lost because I caught the smallest :) Seriously the fish was probably 4-5 cm long. We had a good time. It is nice to go out and do something that we normally don't have time for. We pack ourselves lunches but ended up not needing those, went to McDonald's, I wanted a cheeseburger not a pb and j sandwich, haha! Nick is down for a nap now, must have wore him out. We are off to some friends soon for a birthday party :) Until next week, have a great one! We love you all!

Friday, May 7, 2010

♥ 23 weeks 1 day ♥

Long Pregnancy Survey!!
Created by jenbrat13 and taken 4069 times on Bzoink
About the mommy!
Name: Lindsey
Age: 21
First child?: Yes
About the daddy!
Name: Nicholas
Age: 24
First child?: Yes
Finding out!!
What day did u find out?: December 23, 2009
How did u feel when u found out?: Very happy
Who was with u?: Nick and I were together at home
Who was the first peson u told?: My parents
How did they react?: Very happy
How did the daddy react?: Nervous but happy
Telling the grandparents!
How did ur parents react?: They were very happy
How did his parents react?: They seemed to be just as happy
Are they helping with baby names?: No, we decided on our own
Have they bought anything for the baby yet?: Yes, both parents have went in on the baby crib, dresser, changing table, and book shelf
How often do they call to check on u?: My parents, everyday. Nick's parents, sad none that I can remember
About the pregnancy!
When was ur first appointment?: January 18, 2010
When is ur due date?: Sept 2, 2010
How far along r u?: As of May 7, 2010 I am 23 weeks 1 day
Pre-pregnancy weight?: 120lbs
Weight now?: 127lbs
Have u had an unltrasound?: Yes
Have u heard the heartbeat?: Yes
What was the heartbeat?: 144 every time
Sex of the baby!
What do u want?: A healthy baby
What does the daddy want?: Same as mommy
What do u think u r having?: I think boy, Nick thinks girl
Have u had ur big ultrasound yet?: We are keeping it a surprise
If so, what r u having?: ?
Are u happy with what u r having?: ........
About the birth!
Do u know what u r taking with u?: Haven't thought that far yet
Who is going to be with u?: My husband and sister
Are u going to videotape it?: Yes :)
Natural or medicated?: Natural I hope
Do u think u will need a c-section?: No
Will u cry with u hold ur baby for the first time?: Well yes
Do u know what u will say to the baby when u first hold him/her?: No
Are u scared about the labor?: Nope
Do u have a name picked out?: Yes...
Girl names...: Madilynn Marie
Boy names...: Kolton Michael
Is ur baby going to be named after someone?: Middle names
Other random questions!!
Where was ur baby conceived?: Our house in Otterbein
Have you felt the baby move?: Yep
What race will your baby have? From you and daddy?: Our baby is white
Do you have stretch marks?: Nope
What was your first symptom?: Tender breasts
What religion will the baby know? And from what side?: Christian
What music or interests do you want the baby to know?: We don't care, we were brought up country so baby will probably listen to a lot of country
Will ur baby have godparents?: We haven't decided
Who will the god mommy be?: ...
Who will the god daddy be?: ...
What is the baby's room theme?: Monkey's
What was the first thing u bought for the baby?: A blanket
Are u ready to be a mommy?: YES :-)
You've been totally Bzoink*d!
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