Wednesday, September 22, 2010

♥ Birth Story ♥

“Boy oh boy babe, I’m having a contractions like a mad mother,” six minutes later, “Babe, I’m having another.”

This all started at 7pm on August 31, 2010. From 7pm until 9pm I was having contractions that were consistent and were 5 minutes apart. Around 9:15 I was waiting on another one and didn’t have anymore. I told Nick, “Imagine that,” I was getting all excited and hoping I’d be going into the hospital that night. Sure enough, 11 pm I started contracting again. This time they were 4 minutes apart. By 1:20am the contractions were still only 4 minutes apart but the pain was awful and I had a little bit of a flow come out. I couldn’t lie down, walk, talk, absolutely nothing made me feel better. One minute I’d be laying on the floor doubled over, the next on the toilet thinking I had to use the restroom, and the next pacing the floor, all which none helped. At 1:55am I had given up, I called the doctor and told her about the pain and the little flow. She told me it sounded like as if I had peed, and since the contractions were only 4 minutes apart I should just wait. So, I waited!

At 2:30am the contractions had got worse, they were now 3 minutes apart and the pain was 10 times worse. I never thought the pain could get or be so bad. By 3am contractions were 2-3 minutes apart. I had dialed in my parent’s phone number at least 10 times to get my moms advice, but I always hung because I didn’t want to be a bother. Finally I let the phone ring through. I told mom my symptoms, etc, and she told me to hit the road. I tried waking Nick up, literally screaming on top of my lungs, and he wouldn’t budge to wake up. I thought I would try throwing something at him to see if that worked. All this time I’m in the restroom not able to move much at all. So I looked around, it was either to throw a toilet paper roll or a bottle of shampoo. I decided to try the roll of toilet paper first. Thankfully that worked. He woke up and said, “What is it babe,” I replied, “It is time!” Nick laughed and said, “Babe I don’t get up until 4 for work, go back to bed.” I said, “NO, IT IS TIME! BABY TIME!”

The drive to Saint Elizabeth East, that normally takes 20-25 minutes, seemed to take 6 hours! Of course it didn’t take that long, but sure felt as if it had. Thank goodness the week before I had went in thinking I was in labor, because we had all the paper work filled out and signed so all they had to do was pull it out of my chart and get me a room. Once I was in the triage room, the room they check you out before you can be admitted, the nurse wanted me to leave a urine sample. As much as I wanted to, I just couldn’t, any other time I would have no problem doing so. The nurse wanted to check me out, like they have to. She said, “Yep you are ready, fully effaced, completely thinned, and dilated at 2 cm.” My contractions started to pick up, and 30 minutes later she checked me again, I was then dilated to 4 cm. They admitted me and kept telling me, “Not that much longer…” Well as time was passing the pain got worse and worse. They asked me if I wanted an epidural, and I said no. 30 seconds later I told them I was crazy for saying no, so give me that epidural.

6 hours later, around 11:30 am, Dr. Sam, my doctor, came in to check me. She said I was dilated at 6, and told the nurse to up my pitocin. As soon as Dr. Sam left the room, and the nurse increased my pitocin, the nurse had a weird look on her face. She looked at everyone in the room and said you all need to leave besides the father. No one knew what was going on. The nurse picked up her phone and said she needed help in room E1, she was starting the patient on oxygen. Connie, the nurse put me on oxygen, told me to take deep breathes while she would explain what was going on. The babies heart rate went from 136 to 60, YES 60, in less than 1 minute. She said she had to immediately stop the pitocin and make sure the baby was okay. She checked me out, said I was dilated at 6.5 and could feel the baby but wasn’t to sure I’d be able to deliver natural. She said the baby was in shock when more pitocin was added, and she’d need to keep me off the pitocin for at least 2 hours to monitor the baby. She also said she thought the baby was too big, plus the baby had a swollen head, for me to be able to push him/her out. I instantly got upset. I said I’ve carried this baby for 9 months, I am pushing him/her out, if I rip, then I rip, as long as I’m not hurting the baby then I am pushing. The nurse still didn’t know if the dr would allow me to push, so she took me off all liquids, mints, gum and etc. After being off of pitocin for 2 hours they put me back on it but started out slowly.

By 6pm I was dilating again and super fast. At 7pm Dr. Schnerre came in and checked me and she said I was dilated to 8.5 and she’d be back in a bit to check again. Not even 10 minutes later it felt as if I had to go poop. I told mom that I needed to go, and she laughed at me and said “No, I think we need to get the nurse and have them check you again.” Sure enough, I was dilated to 10 and ready to push. She called the dr and said I was fully dilated and the baby was ready. I pushed for 25 minutes, and then it was time. Dr. Schnerre came in the room at 7:25pm and her and her help got everything set up and ready to go. Since Nick and I had no idea what we were having, Dr. Schnerre was pleased to announce we had a healthy little girl. When she told us, and on top of my sister, Sarah, screaming, “It’s a girl, it’s a girl” I did not believe them. I was so convinced through this entire pregnancy that I was having a boy. I had to double check they knew what they were talking about. When Dr. Schnerre threw, or so it felt that way, Madilyn in my arms, it finally hit me, I’m a mom! Being pregnant, having a baby is and was by far the best feeling and experience I’ve ever had. The nurse quickly took Madilyn off of my chest to get her cleaned up, weighed and measured and I was so anxious to know how much she weighed. They told me if I went full term, which I did, she was only a day early, that she’d weigh at least 8-9 pounds. The nurse loudly said, 7 pounds 13 ounces and 20 inches long. I couldn’t believe it!

Other than becoming a mother to a beautiful little girl, there were two other great things that happened to me on this wonderful day. The first thing was, falling madly in love with Nick all over again. There truly is another love out there. I never thought that you could love someone so differently, but Nick and I’s love became a different love. Our love is so much stronger than it ever was. I’m so happy to have found Nick and have this wonderful family with him. The second thing was, the allowed me to watch the birth of our little girl on tv. At Saint Elizabeth they have a camera that shines down under and plays on tv so you can watch what is going on. I would have never thought in a million years that I’d want to watch the birth, or even be able to. And let me tell you, it was the best, by far the best thing I’ve ever laid my eyes on while watching tv. To see her little head coming, it made me ten times stronger to push to get her out!

September 1, 2010 was the best day I have lived! Thank you Nick, mom, dad, Sarah, and Annie for sticking by me all day and being there for me on this wonderful day.

Tuesday, August 24, 2010

♥ 39 weeks ♥

Updated doctors appointment. The doctor was not to happy with what I've been told by the np. The np has told me for the past 2 weeks, I'm dilated at 2 cm, blah blah blah..... saying how she can't believe I haven't gone yet, etc. Well my doctor today, says I'm dilated at 1 cm, 50 percent effaced, and the head is positioned at -1. The baby is due next Thursday, Sept 2, but I go and see Dr. Sam on Wednesday if there is no baby yet. She said if still no baby by then, she'll want to induce me. She said that won't probably happen until first thing Thursday morning but that will be the next step. She doesn't want me miserable on a holiday weekend and she doesn't like seeing babies go over their due date esp when there is no more room. The dr did try to strip the membranes but it hurt very badly so she stopped. I figured when the baby is ready, it'll be ready... no need to be in pain that bad if the baby isn't ready. Other than that, there was nothing new. I am just very tired, hot, huge, and sassy. I think I'm going to make Friday my last day of work, so I can try and get some rest before next week. Anyways, until then.... have a great week and weekend!! ♥

Monday, August 16, 2010

♥ 37 weeks 4 days ♥

37 Week Survey

How Far Along: 37 weeks 4 days

Size of baby: According to the internet about 6 pounds and 19 inches long.... the dr says about 6 lbs 6 oz (just a guess) and 18 inches long....

Total Weight Gain/Loss: Exactly 30 lbs as of today

Maternity Clothes: Haha, that is my new style... none, NONE, of my old clothes fit me

Gender: Take your guess.... ?

Movement: Well lets see, through-out the day off and on, lunch time there is a lot of movement. About midnight each night until 2-3am a lot of movement with consistent but not enough contractions, then again from 5-7am almost like clock work.

Sleep: I'm running on about 6-8 hours each night, IF I get to bed by 9.

What I miss: Being able to see my feet, bending over, and not so much back pain

Cravings: No real cravings... just eating a lot of potato skins from pizza king with motz cheese and pepperoni.. and bread sticks with nacho cheese

Best Moment this week: Nick being home for my birthday and the baby waiting this long to arrive so daddy will be at the birth :)

What I am looking forward to: My next appointment just to see what is new, if anything. The heart beat today was 137 which is a lot lower than normal but np said it was normal towards the end to go down....

Now to the goooood stuff :)
And the cramping is getting worse... ♥ BUT so worth it in the end :-)

Once again, my doctor is out of office. First a vacation, second a family issue, third a vacation/family surgery... so for the past 3 visits I've seen the nurse practitioner. I have nothing against the np but I just want to see my doctor!!!!!!!! Anyways, nothing new to report. She said my process is not going very fast and she feels super sorry for me so she thought she'd try and see if she couldn't help the process out. So while checking dilation and everything, she pushed and poked and pushed and poked (honestly, it hurt very very bad). She's hoping by next week (which if all goes well, I'll be seeing my doctor) I'll have made some progress. I sure hope she is right. The heat is not bothering me at all. The swelling is the most bothersome, and I think it is because I'm losing the feeling in my feet more often than actually having it and it concerns me. But the dr and np aren't go concerned about the swelling since it has been super hot. I go next Tuesday to the dr, so I just hope and pray I either go sometime this week/weekend or she pokes extra hard next Tuesday :)

Nick went and saw the surgeon today. Of course I had to go with him. 1 I wanted to make sure of everything the dr says, and 2 to meet this man, everyone says great things about him and I have patients ask me about the dr and I can't ever tell them much because I didn't know him. Dr. Duluga, amazing man! This guy knows his stuff. Super sweet dr and def has mine and Nick's business. Basically a little about Nick's shoulder... Nick injured his shoulder when he was in high school and had it fixed. Well then when he was in Iraq he got hurt again on the same shoulder and since then it has been causing a lot of problems. He's... had several injections and the dr said he wouldn't give him anymore injections until seeing a surgeon. Well the surgeon wanted a mri, so he got that, and it came back basically saying the screws that he has in his shoulders have scar tissue building up around them causing a lot of pressure and bone spur. So the surgeon recommends surgery to scrape the tissue away and reshape the bones, or something pretty darn close to that. So now we are going to play it by ear with his job and the military to see when a good time is for him to get that. Dr says he shouldn't wait a year but doesn't have to be done now, so hopefully within the next 3-6 months we can get it taken care of :)

Wednesday, August 4, 2010

36 weeks ♥

What a week! On Monday, August 2 that night I didn't get any sleep what so ever, from cramps to contractions, a headache, blurry vision, swollen hands and feet, oh gosh I just couldn't sleep. Tuesday I was feeling worse. I still went to work and all my mothers at work pressured me into calling the doctor. The doctor wanted to check me out just to make sure. So I went in and saw the doctor, I was telling her all my signs and symptoms etc, and she confirmed I had lost my mucus plug, I was dilated at 2 and thinned 1.5. Pabbams heart rate was 156. She sent me home to rest since I wasn't feeling well at all. So today, Wednesday, I went for my actual appointment and was surprised. I hadn't dilated anymore and thinned, but she told me there were 6 stages in pregnancy to when the head drops. Starting at -3 and works its way to 3. Well yesterday I was at -3 and today I was at -1. So the babys head has dropped 2 in 24 hours. She went ahead and did the group b testing. The heart rate today was 152. The baby has been very active since the appointment. Today at work the girls gave me a mini baby shower, it was supposed to be Friday but they weren't sure if I'd be there, so they gave me the gifts today. I got a ottoman and glider rocker :) I was so excited and surprised. I am very thankful for the girls I work with, they are the best :) Tonight Kelly and Ben (I work with Kelly and her and her husband live down the street), came over to put the gift together :) I'm feeling much better today but still very tired. Until next week, Friday probably since that is my next appointment, everyone have a great weekend and week :) Love you all!!! ♥

Wednesday, July 28, 2010

♥ 35 weeks ♥

♥ Only 5 weeks to go, and a lot is happening so fast. We are extremely happy and can not wait. Only 1 thing getting in our way............ Nick being gone. I sure hope Pabbam waits another 2.5 weeks before arriving. I went and saw the doctor today, all good news. I am dilated at 1 cm :-) But she made it very clear people can go 2-5 weeks being at 1 cm, so she said no worries. I was supposed to have the strep b test this week, but she wants to wait. The doctor said sometimes there is a good chance of people going into labor when having the test done and since Nick isn't here she didn't want to take the chances. She said the test is not absolutely necessary, so we will just wait. She said if I am still only at 1 cm next week then she'll have the test done, but if I am more than 3 cm then we will wait until Nick gets back. Glad she is working so well with us around his crazy schedule. Other than that, everything is good. Been having contractions like crazy. Last night, Tuesday, July 27, I had 5 contractions in an hour, Dr said only come if more than 6, so I waited.... I did call the dr on call and she said the same thing (just to wait). ♥

♥ Nick is down in Camp Atterbury this week. He'll be home late Thursday evening, home all day Friday and leave very early Saturday morning for Camp Grayling Michigan for 2 weeks. This is for his military, his AT. I have slept much better since he's been gone (I have more bed room, haha) but sure do miss having him around. I miss my belly, back, and feet rubs. Nick truly has been very wonderful with our pregnancy. I couldn't ask for a better husband :-) Well until next week (Wednesday, that will be my next appointment) everyone have a great week and weekend!! ♥
The picture is actually 34 weeks along :-)

Thursday, July 15, 2010

33 Weeks

♥ Only 7 weeks to go, but measuring at 36 weeks now, so... that means about 4 weeks to go doctor says. BUT this baby is half Ward and Podell, so if I had to guess, with my luck we won't see this baby until my due date or after, haha. No weird cravings, just been eating a lot of salads and breadsticks with nacho cheese from Monical's Pizza. In the past two weeks, since the last update, nothing has gone on other than my wonderful baby shower. Nick and I were and still are very thankful for all the goodies we received. I do believe we got everything we needed or wanted besides one thing and we are in the process of getting that (a glider rocker). I have had a ton of swelling and contractions the past few weeks. Tuesday night, 7-13, Nick and I went and saw Luke Bryan and Justin Moore at the Newton County Fair, Pabbam went nuts. From one end of the belly to the other and in the bladder and ribs, OUCH! But it was a great concert and would love to see those guys any day of the week :) ♥

♥ Yesterday, 7-14, I had an ob appointment. Needless to say, Dr. Sam says I'm overdoing it. I figured this was coming but not so soon (or at least I feel it was soon). She was very concerned with all of my swelling, apparently I like salt way to much (which is true). I was told to drink at least 8 bottles of water a day, wow, the toilet will be my best friend for the rest of this pregnancy. She put me on bed rest for the next two days and said if I'm not feeling better (because there for a while and then the past 3 days I haven't felt the greatest) after this weekend then she'll put me on more restrictions. But she cut my work hours to 30 hours a week. No running patients until after the baby is born. So that means I'll be in the lab working the rest of the time, which is fine but can be boring. I can work a few more hours than 30 if I'm in the lab and feeling up to it. Which most likely I will be fine because I'm not on my feet all day. Dr. Sam said no mowing (boooo, I love to mow). (I should have seen that one coming.) But other than all of that everything is good. Dr. Sam said to have my bags packed (yikes, I can't believe this is all happening so fast), and car seat ready in the car or truck. My next appointment is July 28 and the fun will begin. If Pabbam has turned (back to breach) then she will have the baby turned that day (she said we will go straight over to the hospital). From that appointment on out, I'll be seeing her every week until the little monster gets here :) I won't update the blog again until the next appointment. Nick is doing great. He likes his job. They have already asked him to take a higher position but he turned it down for now. There is a lot that the job entitles and they weren't offering anything more with it, so he and I decided it wouldn't be worth it. (Maybe in the long run it may, but we are just concerned about now) If he were to take the position he'd be working more than 50 hours a week, he'd be a supervisor (they call them "the lead man" that way they don't have to pay them the supervisor wage), and being in charge of more than 10 men and working more than 50 hours a week plus every Saturday with no extra baggage it just isn't worth it. But enough with me blabbing. I'm going to go back to bed, it is only 4 am that I'm writing this. So until the 28, be safe, have fun, and take care! Love you all!!! ♥

Monday, June 28, 2010

♥ 31 weeks 4 days ♥

About 4 pounds and 14.5" long, yep it is going to be a big baby, says the dr. I had a doctor appointment today, and everything went well. Dr. Sam says IF I go full term, which she hopes but doubts, the baby will be approx 7-8 pounds and about 20-21" long. Pabbam is still butt first. But she told me she isn't to concerned because the baby still have about another 2" of moving room to turn by itself before 35 weeks. If the baby is still booty first the last week in July she will have me make an appointment for a turning session for the first week in August. Other than that, heart rate was 150, so about 6 beats faster than the past 30 weeks, but the baby was very very active. It was kind of neat, we could see the entire elbow print in my stomach, right by my rib cage. It hurts badly when he/she does puts his/her arms there, but it is just trying to get comfortable. Well Nick had drill this past weekend. They told him his ait drill will be from July 26-August 14 (my birthday :-)... ) so I sure hope Pabbam waits until after the 15 to arrive. Nick is working 5, 10 hour days again, and every Saturday. This weekend is the 4th of July, so Sunday we plan to watch fireworks and then on Monday, which we both have off, we are going to get maternity pictures/anniversary picturs done. I'm excited for those. 12 days until the baby shower, July 10. My mom is hosting :) I can't wait. Everything is getting so close and Nick and I are so ready. I'm only going to update the blog every dr apt. So next entry will be July 14, it shall be interesting, a lot will be going on between now and then. Until then, have a great 4th and the next few weeks! ♥

Saturday, June 26, 2010

♥ 30 weeks 2 days ♥

How Far Along: 30 weeks 2 days

Total Weight Gain: 18 pounds

Maternity Clothes: They are a must!

Stretch Marks: None, thankfully! :)

Best Moment this Week: Daddy being able to actually see my tummy move where Pabbam was kicking

Movement: We have ourselves a swimmer :) One end to another in just a matter of seconds.

Food Cravings: Breadsticks with nacho cheese

Labor Signs: Lots of here and there contractions.

Belly Button Innie or Outtie: I have no inner or outty, it is just there.

What are You Looking Forward to this Week: Monday I have a doctor apt we will see if Pabbam is still feet first, lets hope not, and I have Monday afternoon off of work, which is much needed. ♥

Monday, June 14, 2010

28 weeks 4 days ♥

7 months ♥ Where has the time gone? I know I didn't update the blog last week, but it was because I knew I had a doctor appointment today and thought I'd kill 1 bird with 2 stones :) Well since Thursday, so my 7 month mark, (June 10) I have had contractions. The first couple times I ignored the pains, didn't think to much of them. But after having 5 pains, the same kind of pains, in 1 day I thought I'd better check into it. BUT I did it on my own, I didn't call the Dr or go in. Ooops my bad. So by Friday afternoon the pains were coming more frequent, so I broke down and call the Dr. They told me as long as I wasn't having 3-4 pains in 1 hour and I was bleeding or discharge and I could still walk then I would be okay. But if these symptoms got worse I better get checked out. These pains, lower back pain, nausea feeling, cramping, leg cramps, pains to go number 2 but couldn't and feeling that I needed to be bent over (at my stomach to ease the pain), continued and are still continuing today. So anyways, the doctor checked me all out today. Said I'm not dilated, which is great, but she can feel a leg which is not that great. So she wants me to do squats daily, 2 to 3 times a day, sets of 6, to help position the baby for a bit longer and to help when I deliever. I see the Dr every two weeks now, and she said by the middle of July, which my apt in July is the 14, there on out I'll be every week if this continues. This has really got me nervous. She made the comment to make sure to have everything ready, car seat, baby crib, extra clothes, a bag for the hospital, etc so when the time comes I'm/we are ready. But other than all this, nothing is new. I'm a little overwhelmed as so is Nick. I know everything will be just fine, but can't believe how fast this is all coming. Feels like just yesterday we were finding out. But until next week, have a great week and weekend!! ♥

Friday, June 4, 2010

27 weeks 1 day

I love my life ♥ Getting bigger and bigger. I officially can not see my feet and every time I bend over I feel like I wet my pant. Haha! Baby is moving more and more. I believe I felt something like a hiccup yesterday, June 3, but I'm not for sure if that was what that was that I was feeling. I'm back to running patients and I can feel it. I enjoy running patients as long as I have help so I'm not over doing it. Still no wild cravings, I wish I could just have one crazy craving, but I suppose I'll just sit and wait and see. Nick is enjoying his new job so much. I can't believe how much money we are saving on gas, love it! And I love having a happy and enjoyable husband rather than a grumpy one. :) Tomorrow, June 4, my brother Steve and his wife Roslyn and little girl Kaydence will be coming to my parents for the evening. It's been a few months since we've seen them so I can't wait. Hopefully one weekend here soon we will be able to see Nick's sister and her daughter Mackenzie :) But as far as the pregnancy, everything is going great. Couldn't ask for anything more :) Until next week, have a great weekend and week!! ♥

Friday, May 28, 2010

14 more weeks to go!

♥ 26 weeks yesterday! Wow, time sure is flying by :) The baby is much more active and keeping me on my toes. Daddy's new job is going great. Nick loves that he is working in a better environment :) He comes home and is happy and I'm thankful for that. I got tired of the grumpy man! Right now he is working 5 days with 10 hours each day and Saturday's half day. The past 3 days he work 12 hours each day, so he's been exhausted. My job is going well, like always, or atleast most always. I think tonight is the first Friday in a long time I've actually cooked. Normally we eat out, but tonight pork chops sounded good :) I'm listening to Nicky snore, ya it is only 6 pm and he's out! But as far as baby Podell, he/she is doing well and like I said very active. Nothing new to report. So until next week, have a great Memorial Day weekend and upcoming week :)

Thursday, May 20, 2010

25 weeks ♥

Little Pabbam :-) He/she now weights 1 pound 12 ounces, so in 28 days the baby gained 1 pound, and doctor said, "That's super great!" Everything is going very well with the baby, all organs have developed, etc. Now that the babies room is done, Nick and I sit at night wondering what we are going to do next. We are going to work on a little project together. Once we are finished we will share :-) Work is going great for myself. And Nick has enjoyed his 2 weeks off. He has drill this weekend so he's a little upset he can't enjoy his last 3 days off. Today is my Grandma Ward's birthday, Happy Birthday Grandma! She lives in Alabama, so unfortunately we won't be able to share her wonderful day with her. Also today, Pabbam's Grandpa Podell is having surgery. So we are keeping him in our prayers for a quick recovery. Well not much more to report. Oh, my mom did tell me to try something, old wise tale, if you tie your wedding ring to a string and hand it over your belly, after it is done spinning around, see which direction your ring is moving, side to side or in circles. Mine goes side to side every time, and they say it means you are having a girl. Also they say if you eat a lot of cheese it is a girl.... well I've ate a lot, and I mean a lot of cheese. So we will see :) Just thought I'd share. Love you all!

Saturday, May 15, 2010

24 weeks 2 days

How Far Along: 24 weeks 2 days

Total Weight Gain: Almost 7 pounds

Maternity Clothes: A few more :) They are so much more comfortable than I thought

Stretch Marks: Not yet!

Best Moment this Week: Nick being able to feel Pabbam kick and move. And my parents being able to feel him/her also.

Movement: So much. I love the feeling, as long as it isn't my bladder, and 90% of the time it is, but it is part of it, right :) A lot of movement at night, I know he/she knows I'm getting comfortable and he/she is a stinker like daddy, likes to bug me before bed.

Food Cravings: Cheese :) I've always liked cheese but not to just dip anything in it, or to eat it by itself and this past week I've noticed everything must have cheese on it or in it. Yum yum!

Labor Signs: None.

Belly Button Innie or Outtie: Smooth now, by next week or the following I believe my belly button will be completely out.

What are You Looking Forward to this Week: We have a doctors appointment on Tuesday (5-18-10) and we have another ultrasound :)

This past week has been so wonderful. So many things have happened. Our baby furniture is completely put together. Wonderful feeling! Daddy (Nick) got a new job! Woohoo! All the baby clothes and blankets etc are washed, dried and put away. And we got a mattress for the crib so just waiting on the bedding for it now. Today, Saturday, Nick and I went fishing. We were having a contest on who could catch the biggest fish, well I lost because I caught the smallest :) Seriously the fish was probably 4-5 cm long. We had a good time. It is nice to go out and do something that we normally don't have time for. We pack ourselves lunches but ended up not needing those, went to McDonald's, I wanted a cheeseburger not a pb and j sandwich, haha! Nick is down for a nap now, must have wore him out. We are off to some friends soon for a birthday party :) Until next week, have a great one! We love you all!

Friday, May 7, 2010

♥ 23 weeks 1 day ♥

Long Pregnancy Survey!!
Created by jenbrat13 and taken 4069 times on Bzoink
About the mommy!
Name: Lindsey
Age: 21
First child?: Yes
About the daddy!
Name: Nicholas
Age: 24
First child?: Yes
Finding out!!
What day did u find out?: December 23, 2009
How did u feel when u found out?: Very happy
Who was with u?: Nick and I were together at home
Who was the first peson u told?: My parents
How did they react?: Very happy
How did the daddy react?: Nervous but happy
Telling the grandparents!
How did ur parents react?: They were very happy
How did his parents react?: They seemed to be just as happy
Are they helping with baby names?: No, we decided on our own
Have they bought anything for the baby yet?: Yes, both parents have went in on the baby crib, dresser, changing table, and book shelf
How often do they call to check on u?: My parents, everyday. Nick's parents, sad none that I can remember
About the pregnancy!
When was ur first appointment?: January 18, 2010
When is ur due date?: Sept 2, 2010
How far along r u?: As of May 7, 2010 I am 23 weeks 1 day
Pre-pregnancy weight?: 120lbs
Weight now?: 127lbs
Have u had an unltrasound?: Yes
Have u heard the heartbeat?: Yes
What was the heartbeat?: 144 every time
Sex of the baby!
What do u want?: A healthy baby
What does the daddy want?: Same as mommy
What do u think u r having?: I think boy, Nick thinks girl
Have u had ur big ultrasound yet?: We are keeping it a surprise
If so, what r u having?: ?
Are u happy with what u r having?: ........
About the birth!
Do u know what u r taking with u?: Haven't thought that far yet
Who is going to be with u?: My husband and sister
Are u going to videotape it?: Yes :)
Natural or medicated?: Natural I hope
Do u think u will need a c-section?: No
Will u cry with u hold ur baby for the first time?: Well yes
Do u know what u will say to the baby when u first hold him/her?: No
Are u scared about the labor?: Nope
Do u have a name picked out?: Yes...
Girl names...: Madilynn Marie
Boy names...: Kolton Michael
Is ur baby going to be named after someone?: Middle names
Other random questions!!
Where was ur baby conceived?: Our house in Otterbein
Have you felt the baby move?: Yep
What race will your baby have? From you and daddy?: Our baby is white
Do you have stretch marks?: Nope
What was your first symptom?: Tender breasts
What religion will the baby know? And from what side?: Christian
What music or interests do you want the baby to know?: We don't care, we were brought up country so baby will probably listen to a lot of country
Will ur baby have godparents?: We haven't decided
Who will the god mommy be?: ...
Who will the god daddy be?: ...
What is the baby's room theme?: Monkey's
What was the first thing u bought for the baby?: A blanket
Are u ready to be a mommy?: YES :-)
You've been totally Bzoink*d!
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Friday, April 30, 2010

22 weeks 1 day

♥ Growing like a weed, and love it! This baby has changed Nick and I in so many ways, and we are just so happy! This past week I've learned so much about the baby and his/her needs, my needs, and Nick's needs. I've gained 1 pound in 1 week, but I feel and look as if I gained about 5. I'm eating more and more each day it seems. The baby is on a different kick this week. Seems it wants me up about 5:30am instead of 6am, and wants food at 6:45, 9:50-10:15, noon, 3:30pm, 6-7pm, then again about 9:00pm. The baby starts kicking crazy, and once I eat, I will not feel any movement until it is hungry again, I swear that has to be it :) I'm having a lot of night sweats, restless legs, numbness in my arms, nightmares, and a few off and on headaches. I will never complain in a bad way how I'm feeling, we couldn't be any happier of where we are at today. This baby is a blessing. No matter what this child puts us through it is our number one and always will be (until we have more children and of course they will all be our number ones =]) Nick had a job interview with Oscar Winski Company, hopefully he will get in. He has to take a few tests and after his tests he will know more :) Keep our fingers crossed. It would be great. It seems as if things are finally falling into place where they are supposed to in our lives! Until next week, have a great weekend and week! ♥

Saturday, April 24, 2010

21 Weeks 2 Days

Good day! Pabbam is very active this morning, 11 am and woke me up :) I actually got to sleep in, finally! Nick is off to Florida these past few days. His dad is having surgery in May, so Nick went down to spend time with his parents on his four days off of work. He says the weather is beautiful, upper 70's to mid 80's. He's gone fishing everyday he's been there. As for me, I'm stuck here in this Indiana, rainy weather. Work has been going well for myself. I'm working in the lab, learning the odds and ends there. I was reading an article about the baby, and learned you could hear the heart beat of your child between 20-24 weeks with a stethoscope. Make a long story short, I was trying to listen for it, and a girl I was working with thought it would be funny to spy on me and then scary me, well it worked! She scared the crap right out of me. I was so in depth of listening to the heart beat that when I looked up there she was staring a hole right through me. Pay backs stink! The baby, Madilynn or Kolton, yes we have finally decided, has been extremely more active. Around 9pm every night for about an hour, it is doing nothing but flips and kicks, and then wakes up every morning around 8:30-9 and does more for about an hour. Around lunch time I start feeling more kicks and then not again until 9pm. Almost every day this happens right on schedule. Babies heart beat is still at 144, same as every visit but the first. I feel as if I have gained a butt load of weight because I feel very heavy in the front, but I've gained about 1 pound a week for the past month, didn't gain any weight up until then. So total pregnancy weight has been 4 pounds. I'm feeling good, getting more and more hungry every day. No cravings yet. Until next week, have a great week! ♥

Monday, April 19, 2010


Total weight gain/loss: I lost 10 pounds in the first month and a half, then gained it all back the 3rd month, other than that none.
Maternity clothes? I have a pair of pants that my mom and dad have bought and they don't fit yet. As for shirts, I have a few, and love them. I wear scrubs all day long so I'm pretty comfortable :)
Stretch marks? None so far, hope it stays that way.
Sleep: At first I couldn't sleep because I was so scared I was going to sufficate the baby, I lay on my tummy. Now I'm sleeping so much better, although I have a feeling this may change. I'm using the restroom a lot more now at night and the baby loves my bladder so I get a lot of kicks there that keep me awake.
Best moment this week: This week has just started, but today the baby was very very active. I do believe it was up and moving around 3/4 of my 9 hour day :-)
Movement: I am having a lot of movement, and love it!
Food cravings: No food cravings yet, so I'm just staying mostly to the healthier foods so when I do have those wild cravings I won't feel so bad digging in :)
Gender: Due date in 19 more weeks, so we will find out then
Labor Signs: None
Belly Button in or out? Innie for right now but slowly popping out
Wedding rings on or off? On all the time other than when I sleep at night
What I miss: Tanning, that is 100% the biggest thing I miss! :(
What I am looking forward to: My next dr apt so I can see little Pabbam again and hear his/hear little heart beat.
Milestones: Knowing what I was feeling, the kicking, was actually him/her kicking :)

Friday, April 16, 2010

20 weeks 1 day. April 16, 2010

Our sweet little Pabbam profile picture :) His/her heart beat was 144 again this dr apt. The way my stomach is growing, Dr. Sam said I was 22.5 weeks, the ultrasound shows 20 weeks 1 day, exactly what I've been since day 1. Even if we wanted to know the sex, Pabbam was not wanting to show it, so we wouldn't have gotten to know. Right now, the baby is breech, which I thought so because he/she is kicking my bladder pretty much every time I feel it move. Today was a very nice and successful day. After my apt we went to Toys R Us thinking I could get our crib, dresser, and changing table, but they didn't have it. So we will have to go to one of the baby r us' here soon to get those items. After leaving there we went to the mall to shop around a bit before we went and ate at O'Charley's. (Mom and sis went with us today) Nick ended up going home after we ate and us 3 girls had a girls day. We went and got pedi's. All of us got mom a gift card for Christmas for one, she's never had one, and she loved it. Needless to say we will be doing that more often together :) We did a little bit more shopping before coming home. Tonight, Friday, Nick and I will be calling it an early night. Nick has a test tomorrow for the fire department, Good Luck babe. Tomorrow we are doing much needed spring cleaning :) My next doctor apt is May 18 and I will have another ultrasound, it is just how my doctor likes to do things :) Have a great weekend everyone and I will update next Thursday! Love you all!

Saturday, April 10, 2010

Week 19

So this past Thursday, April 8, I am 19 weeks. Boy oh boy how the weeks are flying by and making me change. At the beginning of my pregnancy I weighted 122.4 pounds, as of Friday I weigh 123.6 pounds, so really haven't gained to much. I am feeling the baby move now. Wow was that an experience. At first I thought it was gas, but then I kept feeling the feeling, and when laying in bed I could feel what I thought was gas. Soon I learned it was the baby. Amazing feeling! This weekend Nick has drill, and I graduate college. Confusing for must of you, I did graduate in Dec of 2009, but the school I went to, Harrison College, only does graduations twice a year, so this is my graduation to actually get my diploma. It never fails the military always comes in the way of something important to me for my husband to miss. But I know he signed the papers to do this job, so I do understand. Just wish he could come. But I am thankful for the rest of my family who are coming to support me. Without them I would not be where I am today. I'm so thankful for the family I have. Our baby will be one lucky baby. We both have wonderful families with great support and our baby will be well taken care of/spoiled, I can already tell. This coming week at work for me will be one crazy busy week. Monday I will be working 10.5-11 hours, Wednesday 8 hours like normal, Tuesday and Thursday 9 hours, and Friday off to go and see our little Pabbam. My 20 week doctor apt is Friday, along with an ultrasound, I will post pictures, obviously none of the full body though :) After my apts we will be going to buying all the big stuff, dresser, changing table, and crib. Thank you to both our parents for the purchases. Well I'm out for the rest of this week. I will update on Friday night :) Have a wonderful warm weekend and week everyone! Love you all!!

Thursday, April 1, 2010

18 weeks

Where oh where has the time gone? Moving right along. So today we had an ultra sound, and believe it or not, we are having twins. We are a little overwhelmed, but that would explain me getting so big so fast. We will be great parents I know, we will just have our hands full. :) Oh the joys of being pregnant. My emotions are flying in every direction. I'm find out the little things are big things to me. Nick at first was having a hard time dealing with my moods, but he is doing great now. After walking 3-4 miles a day at work and coming home and cooking he's been a great help. He has helped so much with house work and even given me almost daily massages, which include back and feet :) I haven't had any real cravings yet. Still eating a lot of sweets, which I know is now good for me, but I'm wanting them. I've updated the newest picture taken today. I have another dr apt on April 16 to see my progress, but I'll update next week like I do every week. Have a great weekend/week and we love you all. Oh ya, April Fools for the twins :)

Thursday, March 25, 2010

March 25, 2010

*17 weeks* Wow, where has the time gone? I'm feeling much larger this past week. Not much new to report. So for now I'll leave an updated picture and write more next Thursday :) Love you all!

Friday, March 19, 2010

March 19, 2010

The pink scrub top is 15 weeks, and with my pale white face and belly showing is 16 weeks. Ahhh getting big fast, or so I feel like it. Went to the doctor today, March 19, Friday. Baby's heart rate was 144, and that little thing was just a moving. I thought I felt movement, but Dr. Sam said it was probably gas, which not to mention I am full of. I never thought someone would have so much. I've been feeling wonderful, although this darn sinus infection I've been fighting. My next apt is April 16 and I have an ultrasound. No, we are not going to find out the sex. We want the surprise :) Time is flying and Nick and I can not wait. Nick is doing great, he calls the baby Pabbam. We watch the Flinstones often and we thought of Pebbles and Bambam, so we mixed the names together to make a name for our baby. We've picked out 2 names for each sex, we have no idea what we are going to go for yet. We both made lists of what we liked and then circled what we had in common and went from there. For the boys names we picked out Kolton Michael or Wyatt Michael and the girls names we picked out are Madilynn Marie or Ryleigh Marie. Tough tough decision. Until next week, have a good weekend and week! Love you all!

Friday, March 12, 2010

March 12, 2010

Hello Everyone! So our computer has a virus :( I have a new picture to post but since I can't use my computer right now I can't update that. We have all been pretty well. I've been a little sick with a double inner ear infection, with some sinus problems, but other than that, I'm all good. Nick will be home on Sunday from his schooling. He's ready to be home. The baby is making me grow, imagine that :) I have more of a bump now. I've gained 2 pounds. The doctor said 2 pounds a month is where she'd like me to keep it. I go back next Friday (3-19), will update then :) Until then hope everyone has a good weekend and week!

Thursday, March 4, 2010

14 weeks, March 4.

These 2 pictures where I'm wearing green pants I'm 11 weeks

I'm feeling very well. A lot of you are asking for pictures, so I'm finally getting around to it. Not much to update on. No cravings yet, just eating a lot of fruits lately. :-) Have a great weekend and week!! The picture with red pants I'm 14 weeks.

Thursday, February 25, 2010

February 25, 2010 13 weeks

Wow, where has the time gone? I'm 13 weeks pregnant today :-) Time seems to be flying right by. I've taken a few pictures, I'll post on Sunday with another post. I'm feeling great. I'm changing in many ways and actually liking it. My appetite has gone crazy. One day I like certain things, while the next day I can't stand them. No cravings, but probably still a little early for that. Gained a pound this past week, woohoo! :) Nick is off to NC for military training. He left today and will be back March 15. I honestly didn't think it would be so hard with him leaving for just a short time, but I really had a smack in the face when he left this morning. Could be hormones too, boy have I seen a difference in those. I will write again on Sunday when I post week 12 and 13's pictures. Have a great rest of the week and weekend! Love you all!

Tuesday, February 16, 2010

February 16, 2010

Happy Birthday to Grandma Mollie!! Today we had our 11/12 week apt. I have a new doctor and love her! Dr Sam at the Woman's Clinic. I have lost 10 pounds, I'm back down to my normal weight, 120.4. Dr Sam is not worried about the weight loss, she said it is normal. If I continue to lose weight then she will be concerned but not for the time being. :-) I will be delivering at the new hospital at St. Elizabeth. My due date is still the same, Sept 2. And Nick and I say it can not come soon enough :-) We are so excited and proud parents. We had a bedside ultrasound, since the last pregnancy failed at 11 weeks, she wanted us to feel comfortable. We saw entire baby. 10 fingers and toes, full body and heart beat just a beating as fast as you can imagine. My next apt is March 19. I will be 16 weeks. Then the apt after that, I will have my ultrasound to find out the sex. BUT I think I have Nick convinced to just wait and see what Baby Podell is until I deliver. We will see. Until next week, everyone have a good one!! (The picture doesn't even look close to what we actually saw)

Sunday, February 14, 2010

February 14, 2010

Hello everyone! I kind of slacked this Thursday on making my weekly post, sorry. I've been doing very well. Been having headaches, but I'm think they are sinus headaches. I'm growing, and some of my pants are not fitting anymore. I have a doctors appointment on Tuesday. I will update on Tuesday. Nick is doing well also. He's been super busy with work and his classes for the fire dept. On Tuesday I'll post a picture of how much I've grown. I'll be 2 days from 12 weeks. :-) Have a great week!

Thursday, February 4, 2010

February 4, 2010

Hello family and friends! Everything is going very well! 10 weeks today :-) I have had a little "morning" sickness in the evenings. It isn't every night, but close to it. Hopefully it will all pass shortly. Work is going very well for myself, and for Nick, he'll say it is just another day. I'm extremely busy, but I don't mind. It makes the day go by a lot faster. My next dr apt is Feb. 16. I'm starting to show a little bit, which gets us very excited. But it is just a little bitty bump. Well that is it for now. ♥ Until next week, have a great week and weekend!

Friday, January 29, 2010

January 28, 2010

Just a little update. I'm going to try and do this weekly. Everything has been going good so far in our pregnancy. We had one little problem last night. I spent the night in the er. Thankfully everything is okay. A little after 9 last night (Thursday night) I was using the restroom before bed and had a few little spots that made us concerned. I called my dr and he said to go to the er. So I went to the er, they ran a bunch of different tests, listened to the babys heartbeat, and everything came back great. Babys heartbeat is still 160 bpm, and all the tests came back good as gold. I'm on bed rest for the weekend, and going to see my dr next week for a follow up. Please just keep praying for us. Other than that, we are good and still very excited. We aren't letting one thing put us down :-) Until next time.... Have a good one!

Tuesday, January 19, 2010

January 19, 2010

Hello family and friends! I'm going to try and keep this blog updated as much as possible. With Nick's busy schedule and mine it is so hard to keep everyone updated. On December 24 Nick and I found out we were expecting. As most of you know in August of 2009 I had a miscarriage. So we wanted to keep our pregnancy on the down low until my first appointment. Yesterday I went to the dr and everything went really well. Dr. Edwards is my doctor and he is wonderful. He told me to go and get an ultrasound, 1 because he wanted to make me comfortable and 2 to confirm the actual due date. Today I went in for my ultrasound. It was the best thing I have ever heard. The babies heart beat was 160 beats per minute, and everything looks great. We are truely blessed! My due date is September 2 :-)